3 Dec 2024
A. 5 Minutes of Clean Instruction and Practice
B. Every 2:30 for 20:00 (8 Sets): Clean
Sets1-3: 5 reps at 55-65% 1RM
Sets4-8: 4 reps at 65-75% 1RM
C. AMRAP 8 Minutes:
15 MB Weighted Situps
30s Plank Hold
Score = Heaviest Clean Set
A. 5 Minutes of Clean Instruction and Practice
B. Every 2:30 for 20:00 (8 Sets): Clean
Sets1-3: 5 reps at 55-65% 1RM
Sets4-8: 4 reps at 65-75% 1RM
C. AMRAP 8 Minutes:
15 MB Weighted Situps
30s Plank Hold
Score = Heaviest Clean Set